Mittwoch, 5. Juli 2006
those who claim normality for themselves - excluding thereby the mere possibility of contingency and complexity -, those who claim for themselves to be normal, to know the norm and to know its limits [from the inside]...
those are the ones that frighten me most. [and cause my pity.]

you find out, when you find yourself sortet out and forced to explain. [what? your insanity.] you find out, when none of the normal understands and the more you explain the more they will show their unwillingness to follow a train of thought that leads them away from their safe spot of narrow-minded priviledge - which they never ever acknowledge. [as they will never acknowledge the possibility of insanity - their limit - and reality.]

people who can tell the normal from the abnormal - the normal - terrorize me. [and cause my pity.]

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